Stream Animation Movie Transformers One Online
A film like Josh Cooley's Transformers One comes out right when you're ready to give up on stories that keep packaging the same properties that have been trademarked. As implied by its quietly self-assured title, it presents itself as though no Transformers film had ever been produced. It's so sincere that it gives an introduction that, by all rights, shouldn't have had any freshness or innocence to it. Watch movies on HD online on FlixHD Movie . Cooley achieved the unexpected feat of finding new things to say about very familiar franchise characters in Toy Story 4. He does the same here, crafting an elaborate backstory for characters who, despite their considerable charm, were never known for a rich sense of history and psychological depth. It's fun to imagine an alternate universe where no one knows anything about these characters, much less that a galaxy-wide war between the Decepticons and Autobots will eventually take place. That way, people might be shocked an...